St. Paul's pastoral care team is a group of volunteers who provide a ministry of care to those who are unable to attend regular church services due to poor health or lack of transportation. We seek to provide this ministry as we realize people can easily feel rejected and forgotten once they can’t meet with church family as they did earlier in their life. We want people to know they are still appreciated, loved and cared for by our St. Paul’s family.

As Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, what you did for one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you are doing it to me.” [New Living Translation]. Members of the pastoral care team are assigned two to four people to visit on a regular basis. Visits occur monthly and phone calls anytime. Currently seven church members volunteer and 21 people are visited or contacted regularly.

For more information, please contact our Rector or our Rector's Warden by calling the church office at 250.753.2523.