Over the centuries, the prayer shawl has come to symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance to believers in times of both joy and sorrow. The creation and presentation of a prayer shawl enriches the giver as well as the recipient.  Beautiful colours and silky softness shaped into a prayer shawl give us a tangible reminder of God’s promise to always be with us.  

A group of people at St. Paul's Anglican Church combine their love for knitting or crocheting with their desire to reach out to others to offer prayer and comfort through our prayer shawl ministry.  Once completed, the prayer shawls are blessed by our Rector before distribution to ensure that those who have made them and those who receive them are "covered in prayer."   We gather in a spirit of friendship and love to pray, share, knit and crochet shawls to be given to people who could use a spiritual "hug". Prayerful knitting is a ministry that can be done from a church group, home or anywhere.    

We meet on the second and third Thursday of each month from one to three o'clock in the St. Matthew room at our Centre for Ministry and Community Service. All are welcome.